What does it all look like in practice?
On this page you will find the corresponding property sheets with detailed information on our projects.
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Noise Control
Nidec PSA emotors - Upgrade with advanced sound insulation
G+H Noise Control has clad a state-of-the-art semi-anechoic room for the acoustic test-ing of electric drive units in Poissy, France.
Noise Control
TransnetBW – SONEX®-T keeps residential areas quiet
Transformer substations in residential areas must be especially quiet in operation. At the transformer substation in Weier, two SONEX®-T screening walls from G+H Noise Control provide noise control.
Noise Control
DLR Köln – Exhaust system for the future of gas turbines
G+H Schallschutz develops and constructs a compact exhaust system for a test rig for the German Aerospace Centre in Cologne.
Noise Control
E.ON Belgium – Modern bypass stack prevents power blackouts
In just three months, G+H installed a bypass stack at the combined cycle power plant in Vilvoorde. The plant – which was already mothballed before – now plays an important role in preventing power blackouts.
Noise Control
Mühleberg Substation – Less noise, more energy for the region
G+H has implemented noise control measures in the new transformer station at the Mühleberg Substation (greater Bern area, Switzerland) and has been able to more than halve noise emissions.
Noise Control
E.ON Värmekraft Sverige – Modern installation concept for higher safety
Thanks to an innovative concept, G+H Noise Control replaced the silencer baffles of the G12 (gas turbine) at the Halmstad power plant in Sweden in just one month.