
10 July 2024

Efficient heating system at a comprehensive school

Alfred Pieper GmbH was awarded the contract to install a heating system at a comprehensive school and commissioned the Bochum branch of the G+H Group to carry out the insulation work. The project involved the insulation of around 200 metres of heating pipe including the substructure. The challenge was to implement the insulation in accordance with the requirements of the German Building Energy Act (GEG), which is why two layers of insulation and a sheet metal jacket made of galvanised sheet steel were installed on the heating pipes. The low roof load also had to be taken into account.

Due to the short notice and tight schedule, G+H Isolierung and Alfred Pieper GmbH were faced with the challenge of completing the project within the tight time frame. The comprehensive school urgently needed the heating system, so efficient planning and implementation was essential.

The first project with a strategic focus offers both companies the opportunity to demonstrate their expertise and present themselves as reliable partners. The collaboration between two consecutive trades within the group is particularly interesting: heating installation and insulation. Together, they will be able to offer complete packages and present themselves to customers. This not only strengthens the customer relationship, but also internal co-operation within the company.
