PYROMENT®-IK90 A (exterior) installation duct
Safe fire protection for solar installations on roofs
In practice, it is often necessary to route electrical installations for solar systems over projecting fire walls. To prevent the spread of fire through these electrical installations, the cables can be protected with our PYROMENT®-IK90 A installation trunking.
The PYROMENT®-IK90 A (A stands for outside) is specially designed for use outside buildings and is fitted with a waterproof bandage. Like the trunking, it is tested and classified for indoor use. A fire on the pipes cannot spread further inside the duct, which prevents the ‘fuse effect’ and prevents the fire from spreading to the opposite side of the roof.
The length of the duct should be 1500 mm on both sides of the fire wall. The cables enter and exit the installation duct in accordance with the general type approval Z-19.30-2231 dated 06/09/2023, section 2.1.3.